Remember when the advertising strategy of choice used to be the “one size fits all” approach? There were only a handful of TV channels and newspapers to choose from so everyone saw the same ads regardless of their interests. Fortunately for advertisers — and customers — advertising has evolved to be able to show audiences exactly what they need. In fact, online advertising has emerged as the most pervasive form of advertising, especially because it allows for more refined...
People ask us what other traffic sources are out there besides Google Adwords. Below you’ll find a list of 76 of them. The list spans various network types, from Native Ad Networks (like Taboola and Outbrain) to mobile networks (MoPub). It also includes a few niche networks that target the wealthy, prospects interested in fashion, female bloggers, etc. This list is perfect for anyone in any niche who wants to scale their campaigns beyond Google. BingAds ContentAd Outbrain
One of your best traffic sources could be something that you’re completely ignoring, even though it’s right under your nose. Businesses always want to know where the next best traffic source is coming from, and, although that’s going to vary somewhat from field to field, one stands out as a pretty powerful traffic driver that’s overlooked. It’s Content Discovery Networks. These are something that everyone is familiar with but many people haven’t considered using as a business tool. Combined...