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- programmatic advertising
Crafting Powerful Testimonial Ads That Convert
Here’s a thought exercise. How many times have recommendations from other people driven your purchase decisions? And how many times have you bought something online without checking the reviews first? As for me, I have done that a sum total of zero times. That’s right. I never buy anything without reading the reviews first. And I’m not alone in this. 9 out of 10 customers read reviews before they buy something online. This is the power of social proof....
Rupali Jeganathan
Advertising Basics › 7 min read
Understanding Programmatic Native Advertising — and Why It’s Important For Brands
According to a recent survey, most people are not pleased with their ad experiences across social media (45%), retail websites (36%) and news aggregators (34%). In fact, more than 51% of them believe that the digital universe should be home to fewer ads, since most pop-ups heavily interfere with the content, interrupt shopping experiences, take up the entire screen and increase loading time. With the evolution of the advertising landscape, brands are becoming more focused on creating a user...

Surbhi Dhawan
Advertising Basics › 7 min read
What is a Supply-Side Platform and How to Choose One
A supply-side platform (SSP) is a software technology that allows publishers to sell ad space via an intermediary platform called ad exchange. It is a publisher’s equivalent to a demand-side platform (DSP). It is a basic building block of programmatic advertising along with DSPs and ad exchanges. What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is the most popular way to buy and sell ads these days. It uses machine learning and automation to make transactions smooth and fast. There are...

Arvind Kesh
Programmatic Advertising › 5 min read
What is a Demand-Side Platform and How to Choose One
A demand-side platform (DSP) is a software technology that allows advertisers to buy ad space from publishers via an intermediary platform called ad exchange. It can be used to buy search ads, display ads, TV ads, and much more. It is a basic building block of programmatic advertising. What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is an automated process of buying and selling ads with the help of data and software. There are two primary types of programmatic advertising: Programmatic...

Arvind Kesh
Advertising Basics › 6 min read