The bigger your advertising budget, the better. More money means more flexibility to choose where you advertise and how you target your audience. You don’t have to pick and choose advertising channels based on cost—you can pick them based on what’s most relevant to your target audience. But having a big budget isn’t without its drawbacks. Whether your budget is big or small, you have to figure out the best way to spend it. A bigger budget means you...
There I was, reading about the Westworld finale on Variety (don’t worry, no spoilers), when I’m offered six more articles to read. They all look pretty interesting, but only two actually have to do with TV, while the others are about fashion and celebrity. So, how did an ad for a Macy’s sale end up in my article about an HBO show about robots? The power of native advertising. Evidently, native ads are doing something right. According to eMarketer,...