The web hosting industry is set to be a $154 billion market in 2022. Tens of thousands of companies are competing for a diverse audience — from college kids to multi-national corporations. To stay in business, most companies have differentiated themselves by catering to a specific niche. The best of the lot use digital advertising channels to reach the top: Rackspace has dominated the high-end corporate world with their interactive HTML5 ads that can test a website’s server speeds....
We’re living in the golden age of tech where it’s becoming increasingly easier to create customized experiences for customers. One place we’re seeing this is in website design. Instead of hiring an expensive developer to build a site or spending hours trying to learn code and building a website DIY-style, online website builders are the new go-to because they help users save time and money. With professional results that look like a developer invested several hours building, what user...
Gaming has come a long way. Over the past few decades it’s evolved from pixelated arcade games to gaming consoles and handheld devices to high-def online games. Gaming still has its roots in entertainment, but the industry also includes educational and gambling options as well. This evolution means that there are millions of users to target with hundreds of games competing for attention. The most successful games — from multiple player to educational brain games — have shown staying...
Education is a big industry: From storied universities with massive endowments to learning apps with millions of users, it’s one of the most lucrative around the world, clocking in at an estimated global $1.9 trillion in 2017. That makes sense—everyone needs an education! With all of the competition in the education space, it’s no surprise that education apps and universities also spend big—on advertising. As of 2017, advertising spending for educational services had reached $1.91 billion in the U.S...
Download, start now, get started. You see calls to action (CTA) like these all the time, but do you ever stop to think about their impact on your ad campaigns? Oftentimes, CTAs are an afterthought hastily tacked onto the bottom of an ad. Leads know you want them to click the button so it doesn’t matter what it says, right? Well, not quite. CTAs are just as important as the ad copy and need just as much attention. CTAs...