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How To Test The Effectiveness Of Direct Buy Ads Before Signing 6-Figure Contracts
Advertising on top-tier publishers like the New York Times or the Associated Press can be a mixed bag for advertisers. On the one hand, if your campaigns work, the amount of quality traffic these sites generate can make for some big wins. On the other hand, if your campaigns fail, the lost ad dollars can be hard to swallow. These top-tier sites command higher advertising costs than most small advertisers are used to. For example, Forbes has their minimum...
Roman Davydov
Advertising Basics › 5 min read
What To Do If You’ve Overspent Your Client’s Budget and How Not to Repeat It
“Oh, no!” That’s probably every contractor’s reaction on realizing they’ve exceeded the client’s budget. For an agency, mistakes like this can cost big money or spell the loss of an important client. For an advertising specialist who overspends the budget, it can even result in losing a job. But don’t despair. We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explain what to do and how to make sure it never happens again. What To Do When You’ve Overspent First, don’t...
Roman Davydov
Customer Psychology › 6 min read
9 Things Every Ad Agency Client Hates and How to Avoid Them [Infographic]
If you’re on the agency side, this scenario has probably happened to you: a client suddenly stops answering your emails or they have abruptly broken off relations with your agency – sometimes without even giving a reason why. If you’re a client, you rely on an ad agency to deliver professional service that gets results, but chances are you’ve had a bad experience with at least one agency before. In this post, we’ve listed the most important things that...
Roman Davydov
Customer Psychology › 7 min read
3 Secrets of Mack Weldon’s Display Campaigns That All Apparel Advertisers Should Know
Men’s underwear is a billion dollar industry, and it’s on track to grow even bigger. A recent Men’s Underwear Market Report predicts that “increasing numbers of metrosexual men in the U.S. [are] anticipated to fuel revenue growth of the boxer shorts segment during the period 2016-2026.” With so much market growth on the horizon, we decided to do a deep-dive into how Mack Weldon, a popular men’s underwear maker, runs its display campaigns. Last year, Mack Weldon made the...
Roman Davydov
Native Advertising › 4 min read